
i want it. now.

isn't it hard not to make demands of God? i find myself telling Him what i what i think i need and what i think is best for me more often than i should. giving the Heavenly Father ultimatums, deadlines, schedules, and demands is not exactly on the track of complete obedience. the heart most aligned with the Savior's is one that merely gives their life to Lord expecting nothing in return, and makes no demands for the future. why we think that we can charter out a course for our life is beyond my comprehension. does delta call you every morning asking you to charter a path for the planes flying that day? the war in our soul for control continues to rage and fight against sweet surrender to the Holy Spirit. i just wanna shout at God sometimes and say that i know what i want and i know what i need! how ludicrous. can i tell the Author of Life, the Creator of by very being that i am capable of deciding the path my life should travel? can i tell the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, that i know what events should take place in my life? how dare i make demands of the One who was, and is, and is to come.

life is all about perspective. if you view the circumstances, situations, and events of your life as being dealt a bad hand by God or as some kind of unjust punishment from Him, you will never experience the true joy He has to offer. God is love. i don't care what anyone else says. wars, deaths, sicknesses, trials, tribulations, etc. don't change this. we can't shake our fist in His face and demand that He erase all these things from the world, but we can look in His eyes and find the hope, peace, and strength needed to fight anything that comes our way.

Lord, please give me the grace to be able to face each and every day with resolve, perseverance, and the determination to honor and glorify You in all things. May i never demand things of You, but only beg You to make my life more like Christ's. i don't want anything but a heart full of love for You.


"how great thou art"

don't you just love it when you have those moments where you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are exactly where you're supposed to be? that feeling of security is irreplaceable. that happiness is unparalleled. the center of God's will is the only place for me.

what a great weekend. here is a brief glance into the adventures of the lamb family. first of all, without fail, there always seems to be a monsoon whenever we have to travel. this weekend proved to be no different. with tornadoes in all the surrounding areas, we loaded the van and headed to sylacauga for our first event on saturday. yes, we thought we were going to be swept away in the storm much like dorothy's family in her house in kansas, but with much prayer, we made arrived at our destination safely. our fearless leader, mama d, braved the storm and drove that white mini van like never before. the wedding ceremony was a very touching event. after being diagnosed with breast cancer, the bride's mother passed away about a year ago. during a special commemorative slide show, we played "wind beneath my wings". i was unable to really look at the pictures for fear of completely losing my composure. but the spirit of Lord was in that place and the two were happily joined as one. may the Lord bless their new life together.

thankfully, the drive home proved to be much less traumatic. or so we thought. happily driving down the road, we were all busy chatting about the previous events and stating how much we enjoyed the wedding and how it had moved us all to tears. dad and our wonderful sound technician were supposed to be meeting us at the wynfrey with all of our other equipment for the next event that evening. so when pops called and informed us that there was no such event going on at the wynfrey, things started to get interesting. after a few phone calls, we realized that it was being held in tuscaloosa at the hotel capstone. uh oh. we put the pedal to the metal and ended up arriving in t-town just in time for another wonderful experience. whew. that was a close one!

our sunday was spent in jasper, alabama with some of the sweetest people on the planet. first baptist church of jasper is a church filled with the love of the Father, the grace of the Savior, and the fellowship of the Spirit. as my siblings and i were on stage making music together, God confirmed His love for me yet again. i felt His spirit and his loving arms wrapped around each of us. it is such a great privilege to be able to proclaim His goodness and might and speak of His glory and power. we end every performance with the Lord's Prayer and last night, during that song, i felt like i was being raptured into His presence. come quickly Lord Jesus.

on a side note, i got stuck in the back of the van. again. cue the nausea. HOWEVER, my sweet little angel (caleb) rode back there as well. i love it when he comes with us. he is an absolute joy and i am forever grateful for his selflessness and willingness to do whatever is asked (or not asked) of him.

i look forward to a week full of the wonder of our risen Savior. may my eyes stay fixed on the prize as i run the race and seek to do the will of the Father. how great He is.

random facts: i gave up diet coke. i'm trying to live a healthier lifestyle. the simple things in life fascinate me. one day, i want to live in a southern style plantation house complete with a garden, horses, and maybe a few chickens while still being a city girl. :)


in God we trust

i was really disturbed yesterday when i found out that the president would not be attending the annual national day of prayer. reason? he didn't want to offend anyone. as i think about the many great people/events that shaped our history, i wonder how different the outcomes would have been if they had been afraid of offending someone. let's step into a time machine...

remember noah and the ark? he was ridiculed, humiliated, and mocked for building a massive boat that would save his family and the animal population inhabiting the world at that time. did he worry about offending anyone? no. he simply did what God commanded him to do. in turn, his entire family was saved and he is an ancestor to everyone on the face of the earth.

skip ahead some years. what about the ancient romans? founders of one of the greatest nations in history. at the start, they cared only for justice, equality, and doing what was right. their nation thrived and reached unparalleled heights for that time in history. political correctness was not an issue. however, much like our nation today, when the decline of morality and the absence of the One True God began to set in, rome met with a tragic ending.

remember martin luther and the 95 theses? he dared to defy the holy roman catholic church by speaking out against their apostasy and destruction of Biblical truths. did he offend people? yes! but now we can all worship freely, in any denomination we choose, because of him and many other men who went against the grain and stood for righteousness.

what about our founding fathers? i can't help but think about how many people they must have offended by deciding to break free from the king of england and his tyranny in order to form a new nation that included liberty and justice for all. they stood for what they knew to be right even though it met with much resistance. lives, fortunes, and reputations were given to begin a nation that would offer hope, and a haven of rest for people around the world. think about how different things would be today if these men and women would have been afraid of offending someone.

yesterday was jackie robinson day. all of the major league baseball players around the country wore the number 42 in honor of his life and legacy. think about the hardship and persecution he endured for refusing to worry about offending anyone or "stepping on anyone's toes", and becoming the first african american man to play major league baseball on a previously all white team. where has that courage gone?

why are we scared to speak our minds? why are we afraid to stand up for what is right? will we be ridiculed? probably. will we be persecuted? more than likely. is it worth the costs? absolutely. heroes have become scarce in our world today. most prefer to cower in the corner, hoping to be inconspicuous and to blend in with the crowd. i prefer to stand out. to stand up for what i believe in and for what i know to be the truth. there are absolutes. there are black and white areas. "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. " may we never lose sight of these principles and never forget the blood that was shed for the enactment of these truths. do not let your voice be taken away. make them hear you.

“It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!”-Patrick Henry


a dale jr. fan: to be, or not to be?

you know how some people move to a different state or area and become fans of the local team? that won't ever happen with me. i am an ALABAMA fan. the end. if i move to gainesville, florida, i will not become a gator fan. if i move to knoxville, tennesse, i will not pull for the volunteers, etc... my heart would never allow it. i really admire a friend of mine who hails from louisiana and is now living in tuscaloosa. he goes to bama athletic events and cheers for the tide. wow. but i know he still bleeds purple and gold.

i pull for the tide rain or shine, win or lose. they are my team no matter what. this includes football, basketball, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, horseshoes, you name it. HOWEVER, i can be somewhat of a fair weather fan when it comes to my other sports teams. oops.

lets talk about the braves. why in the world can they not get it together?? i know it's very early in the 162 game season and jason heyward seems very promising, but i'm not getting my hopes up. i keep asking caleb why we can't be a phillies or yankees fan, or at least a fan of a winning team. that usually does not meet with a pleasant response. and yes, i realize the yankees have fallen on some hard times as well. they seem to have their act together now, though. nonetheless, the braves are our team, our south.

moving on to nascar. first of all, sometimes i can acquire a bad attitude during a 4 HOUR race. i mean, seeing the same cars going round and round in a circle for that length of time is not exactly riveting. seriously, it can drive a girl mad. and since we (caleb and sometimes myself) are dale jr. fans, it's even more disheartening. the poor guy does well to finish in the top twenty. that's about all i have to say concerning him. if i mention the idea of being a kyle busch fan, things start to get ugly. SO, go junior! for now. :)

the dallas cowboys. oh the long lost glory days of troy aikman, emmitt smith, and deion sanders (also a brave). maybe one day they will rise again. this past year seemed to be heading in the right direction. i guess we will wait and see what the future holds.

the masters. i can't decide how i feel about tiger. yes, i agree that what he did was horribly wrong. but did he really owe me and the whole world an apology? probably not. he hurt his wife, not us. in the mean time, k.j. choi seems to be rocking it. and his name is totally awesome. but ol' mickelson is at the top of the leaderboard. eh? i'm still undecided.

spring is here to stay, my life is in the hands of an almighty God, and i'm adored by my Savior. three reasons to be completely satisfied. no matter the costs, no matter the circumstances, may my life be a picture of reckless pursuit of the cross, and unending joy in the Father's love.

an all time favorite of mine.

random facts: music makes me emotional. i love a good book. i am a complete dork. and most days, i am a very clumsy person.


puppy love

never, ever go to the pound unless you are prepared to take home every pitiful animal at the shelter. those of you who know me well are aware of the fact that i am not really an "animal lover." i'm not inhumane or cruel, but little critters don't exactly make my world go 'round. however, when caleb and i went to the pound yesterday, my heart broke into a million pieces. all i could think about was that disturbing animal abuse commercial where sarah mclachlan sings "angel" and you are crying by the time it's over. as we walked through the doors, we saw those poor little dogs all in their cages, all with the same "please love me" faces. i could hardly handle the sight. every single dog had a unique face, shape, and demeanor. but they all had the same pleading eyes that cut right through your soul. i don't think i am going to be returning to the pound for quite some time.

i really just don't witness enough. and this bothers me. how can i keep silent when i have been given the gift of eternal life? my prayer right now is that the Lord will give me more boldness to openly share with anyone and everyone. i want the power of the Holy Spirit to work through me and draw people to the cross of Christ. His wounds have not only paid my ransom. break my heart oh God, for the billions of people who are dying without your Son. may all who see my life find Him in me.

can't help but love this one. :D

random facts: you can catch me in a white tee, nike shorts, and chacos most days, even though i absolutely love fashion. i wish i was more athletic. i talk too much. oatmeal cream pies should be illegal.


bears or snakes?

it hit me yesterday, like a tsunami wave, the magnitude of what Christ did for us. i had a moment of total, intense gratitude for what my Savior did on that cross. a moment that i want to live in for the rest of my days. tears kept welling up in my eyes as i realized the horrific pain he endured. but more than anything, i wonder how much it hurt Jesus when the Father turned His face away because He couldn't look at the sin His son was shouldering. Christ was alone for the first time ever. our Savior and Lord was alone as he bled and died for the sins of the world. this breaks my heart.

however, for as much as my heart breaks in sadness over His death, there is a joy that surpasses that pain in knowing that He is alive. the resurrection of Jesus Christ forever changed the face of history. our Lord did not stay dead. His ministry did not end at the grave. He miraculously rose again on the third day and now lives and reigns with the Father. what other leader from all of the worlds' religions is still alive after dying? where is buddha? where is mohammad? they are dust. but our Leader is alive. our King is still at work in the hearts and lives of people every day, and is coming again. and He is coming SOON.

easter weekend in opp, alabama was a beautiful experience. spending time with the wilson family, riding four wheelers with caleb, playing with madie, and enjoying some wonderful southern food are just a few of the many pleasures of the trip. i am very grateful that God has orchestrated the events in my life and brought these wonderful people into it at just the right time. you all know by now how much I love Caleb. he has my heart forever. may God continue to bless him as He follows after Jesus with all of his might.

my sisters and i have been debating if we would rather try to get away from a bear or a snake. we thought long and hard about this. bears are really big and have huge teeth and claws, but a snake is so fast and sneaky and oftentimes deadly after one bite. this was the unanimous decision of what we would rather face:
hopefully, we won't see either animal in any of our journeys. :)

random facts: i absolutely love funions. i used to be very unorganized, but i'm actually getting organized and loving it. i lose EVERYTHING (i'm hoping the organization thing helps this). i like to sing and belt out songs like i'm celine dion or martina mcbride.