i pull for the tide rain or shine, win or lose. they are my team no matter what. this includes football, basketball, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, horseshoes, you name it. HOWEVER, i can be somewhat of a fair weather fan when it comes to my other sports teams. oops.
lets talk about the braves. why in the world can they not get it together?? i know it's very early in the 162 game season and jason heyward seems very promising, but i'm not getting my hopes up. i keep asking caleb why we can't be a phillies or yankees fan, or at least a fan of a winning team. that usually does not meet with a pleasant response. and yes, i realize the yankees have fallen on some hard times as well. they seem to have their act together now, though. nonetheless, the braves are our team, our south.
moving on to nascar. first of all, sometimes i can acquire a bad attitude during a 4 HOUR race. i mean, seeing the same cars going round and round in a circle for that length of time is not exactly riveting. seriously, it can drive a girl mad. and since we (caleb and sometimes myself) are dale jr. fans, it's even more disheartening. the poor guy does well to finish in the top twenty. that's about all i have to say concerning him. if i mention the idea of being a kyle busch fan, things start to get ugly. SO, go junior! for now. :)
the dallas cowboys. oh the long lost glory days of troy aikman, emmitt smith, and deion sanders (also a brave). maybe one day they will rise again. this past year seemed to be heading in the right direction. i guess we will wait and see what the future holds.
the masters. i can't decide how i feel about tiger. yes, i agree that what he did was horribly wrong. but did he really owe me and the whole world an apology? probably not. he hurt his wife, not us. in the mean time, k.j. choi seems to be rocking it. and his name is totally awesome. but ol' mickelson is at the top of the leaderboard. eh? i'm still undecided.
spring is here to stay, my life is in the hands of an almighty God, and i'm adored by my Savior. three reasons to be completely satisfied. no matter the costs, no matter the circumstances, may my life be a picture of reckless pursuit of the cross, and unending joy in the Father's love.
song of the dayhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xwzItqYmII
an all time favorite of mine.
random facts: music makes me emotional. i love a good book. i am a complete dork. and most days, i am a very clumsy person.
I believe there was a personal reference to me in there...thank you...gotta go - need to pay for my 'Bama football tickets...