isn't it hard not to make demands of God? i find myself telling Him what i what i think i need and what i think is best for me more often than i should. giving the Heavenly Father ultimatums, deadlines, schedules, and demands is not exactly on the track of complete obedience. the heart most aligned with the Savior's is one that merely gives their life to Lord expecting nothing in return, and makes no demands for the future. why we think that we can charter out a course for our life is beyond my comprehension. does delta call you every morning asking you to charter a path for the planes flying that day? the war in our soul for control continues to rage and fight against sweet surrender to the Holy Spirit. i just wanna shout at God sometimes and say that i know what i want and i know what i need! how ludicrous. can i tell the Author of Life, the Creator of by very being that i am capable of deciding the path my life should travel? can i tell the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, that i know what events should take place in my life? how dare i make demands of the One who was, and is, and is to come.
life is all about perspective. if you view the circumstances, situations, and events of your life as being dealt a bad hand by God or as some kind of unjust punishment from Him, you will never experience the true joy He has to offer. God is love. i don't care what anyone else says. wars, deaths, sicknesses, trials, tribulations, etc. don't change this. we can't shake our fist in His face and demand that He erase all these things from the world, but we can look in His eyes and find the hope, peace, and strength needed to fight anything that comes our way.
Lord, please give me the grace to be able to face each and every day with resolve, perseverance, and the determination to honor and glorify You in all things. May i never demand things of You, but only beg You to make my life more like Christ's. i don't want anything but a heart full of love for You.
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